Thursday, February 25, 2010

Double Take

I was out not shopping at Borders this afternoon (I'm Baptist but have given up shopping and sweets for Lent) when I thought I saw one of my clients.
Well I did see her but just not then...the hair just was'nt right...glasses?

It was not my client Jackie that I saw first.  It was her twin Toni.
Toni is the one with the BIG batch of books
 and is on the hunt for more...she claims to only have one coupon.
A woman after my own heart...SHOP ON!!!

Hogs & Kisses,


  1. I love Toni..she is a woman who knows how to shop at a book store. I try and avoid them whenever possible because there is no choice between books or paying the mortage for me. Sea Witch

  2. I'm glad you said you were not shopping.

